PubSafe Platform

A global platform to help people in need by enabling citizens, NGOs and governments.
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What is PubSafe?


A Platform to Connect People When It Matters Most


PubSafe is a public benefit company with a clear mission: to create a world where everyone is safe and connected. Founded in 2015 by a team of engineers and entrepreneurs, PubSafe leverages technology to assist citizens during emergencies and large-scale disasters. Let’s dive into the details of what PubSafe offers:


The Components of PubSafe

  1. Mobile App:
    • The PubSafe mobile app is a powerful tool that empowers users to take action. Here’s how it works:
      • Reporting Incidents: Users can report crimes, accidents, and other incidents directly through the app. This real-time data collection is invaluable for law enforcement and emergency responders.
      • Location Sharing: In emergency situations, staying connected with loved ones is crucial. The app allows users to share their location with friends and family, ensuring that everyone knows they are safe.
      • Safety Alerts: PubSafe sends alerts about safety hazards in the user’s area. Whether it’s severe weather, road closures, or other risks, timely notifications keep people informed.
  2. Web Portal:
    • The PubSafe web portal serves as a hub for NGOs, government agencies, and non-profits. Here’s how it supports these organizations:
      • Disaster Relief Coordination: During crises, efficient coordination is essential. The portal provides tools for managing disaster relief efforts, tracking volunteers, and allocating resources where they are most needed.
      • Volunteer Management: NGOs and community organizations can use the portal to organize and mobilize volunteers effectively.
      • Donation Management: Managing donations efficiently ensures that aid reaches those affected by disasters promptly.

Benefits of Using PubSafe

  1. Increased Safety:
    • By reporting incidents through the mobile app, users contribute to a safer community. Law enforcement can analyze crime trends and allocate resources strategically.
    • Imagine a neighborhood where everyone actively participates in keeping each other safe. PubSafe makes this vision a reality.
  2. Improved Communication:
    • In emergencies, communication is paramount. PubSafe’s location-sharing feature allows users to stay connected with family and friends.
    • Whether it’s a natural disaster or a personal crisis, knowing your loved ones are safe provides peace of mind.
  3. Enhanced Coordination:
    • Disaster relief efforts involve multiple stakeholders. The web portal streamlines coordination, ensuring that resources are used efficiently.
    • NGOs can collaborate seamlessly, and volunteers can be deployed where their help is most impactful.

PubSafe’s Global Impact

PubSafe isn’t limited by borders. Communities worldwide benefit from its technology. Whether it’s a small town or a bustling city, PubSafe’s tools foster safety, resilience, and connectedness.


If you’re passionate about community safety, consider PubSafe. By using their mobile app and supporting their mission, you become part of a global network committed to helping people when it matters most. Together, we can create a safer, more connected world.

Remember: PubSafe—where technology meets compassion, and people help people and animals through efficiency and care. ???

PubSafe Platform Map
Volunteer to change a tire
Missing Person Evidence on Phone