Hurricanes & PubSafe

From Evacuation, to Recovery



Real-time information sharing from every citizen



Under Construction

Responding to Hurricanes


During the aftermath of a hurricane, corporate partners provide resources that prevent loss of life and reduce human suffering. Recent hurricane seasons highlight the symbiosis between corporations, government, and citizens.

Reputations and customer loyalty for both profit and non-profit organizations are easily made or lost during times of crisis. In recent disasters both citizen and corporate response reduced loss of life and property by working together. Understanding where, when, and how to respond in a disaster increases effectiveness of response as well as public perception. This in turn extends the effectiveness of investment in donated resources.

“Lowe’s stayed open to the last minute during Hurricane Irma. The store had extra employees and everyone was pleasant and helpful when they had personal things to do to get ready.”

Hurricane Rescue Preparation
Hurricane Damage from Flooding

Impromptu Cross Organization Coordination


PubSafe offers large organizations such as the Red Cross, smaller organizations like local churches, or businesses donating goods or services, increased efficiency in the delivery of their donations. This in turn increases the effectiveness of the donation. Using PubSafe’s freely available app and website speeds the delivery of goods or services by providing quick, visual communication and tools to areas and individuals in need. Tools such as adding an available resource to the map, on the fly, instantly communicates availability to those in need. Response times are reduced which increases the efficiency of invested resources, even in the confusion of a storm’s aftermath.

On a large scale, organizations such as the Red Cross can access data from past deployments to gain insight for future logistical planning. The process is similar to government’s post deployment evaluations. Understanding the issues encountered during the delivery of past disaster resource delivery can significantly improve future resource delivery.


Available post event data


  1. Requests for water, food, and clothing
  2. Location of requests in real-time
  3. Quantity of requests in relation to location of available supplies
  4. Transportation obstacles such as flooded roads, snow blocked passages, or downed power lines
  5. Situational awareness for government response

Hurricanes and Corporate Partners


Products and services are sold during a disaster. During the 3-day self-sufficiency period immediately after a storm, products and services from business are needed. Government is not immediately available. Business is the only resource available to citizens. Business revenue makes donations and generosity possible.

Significant customer loyalty and brand awareness opportunities are created by a well-coordinated, post disaster engagement with the impacted citizens. Corporate logistical experience has traditionally been used to pre-stage items such as plywood and generators. For long-haul events that extend past a few weeks, ongoing data assists in planning for future disasters. This data can also assist in planning inventory and other resource locations in the future.