PubSafe Cost Less than You Think
Sometimes things are as good as they seem. Based on competitor pricing and features, you might think PubSafe would be $200 a year because PubSafe has so many features only offered by multiple expensive services. Many services are billed one-time, a year in advance so you pay for it regardless of use or need.
Free PubSafe
As a Public Benefit Corporation, PubSafe is not required to drive profits for shareholders. A PBC is unique in that the interest of the public comes before profits. Because of this and the interest in providing a unique, robust and capable solution, PubSafe has maintained a free version of the mobile app.
The free version is intended to encourage every citizen globally, to be part of information sharing and data collection for the greater good. Click here to get PubSafe for individuals, for free.
Base and Plus Subscriptions
These two PubSafe pricing models start to add functionality for power users by increasing the number of teams, and the members in a team. Plus is the first level a user can access the Responder status instead of the normal civilian status. A Responder subscription is monthly but it does not enable a connection to an organization as a member. Responders can be assigned a mission by an organization as a last resort should their Pro members not be available.
Pro and Higher Subscriptions
Pro users are the primary level for PubSafe organization members. The Pro subscription enables a user to join an organization, associate their data with an organization and access organizational areas on the PubSafe web portal.
Pro Messaging allows for messaging organization members or temporary search party members but not other PubSafe members.
Government Subscriptions
Government organizations have the same features and functionality as a Pro user but they also get one super important feature, mass messaging. Mass messaging means they can message any PubSafe mobile app user in their area from the county level and lower. Most mass notification systems shotgun their message to large areas. PubSafe message is more of a sniper rifle. PubSafe enables government organizations to target homes, neighborhoods, streets or areas with great accuracy.
Everything You Wanted to Know About PubSafe Pricing & Subscriptions
Video Transcript
Read the Damage Assessment Transcript
…How do you tube this Aaron from pub safe And today we’re going to be talking about pricing. Sometimes we get the impression that people think that the pups platform might be. Extra costly. based on the features and the functionality. Or competitors that are out there that…charge.
Anywhere from 60 to $120 a year. And you have to pay that fee upfront. So it’s going to cost you all of that. And sometimes. in government situations you have services that.
They cost. A quarter half a million. dollars or more for messaging notification services and things like that. And we took a look at that and said, there’s really a couple of things that we want to make. Different about pub safe One is we’re a public benefit company.
We don’t have an obligation to shareholders. To drive profits through the roof. So I think when you see the pricing you’re going to understand that, you know this is really about as minimum amount of. That we can charge two. Do the development and provide the resources that we…
are providing. And. When you deep dive into, you know the feature set from pub safe. There’s nothing like it on the market. For sure.
You know we spent years actually literally years building the pup safe platform. very specific to NGO disaster response. So when you look at some of our other video content, And we’re going to create another video here shortly specific to the features and the functionality. just kind of running through a list and describing those things for you. You’ll see that you know…
It’s no longer viable beyond Google docs. You know sharing information via spreadsheets, collecting contact information this way or. You know having siloed information with Vinnie organiza. you know we’ve worked very hard to make pub safe the one and only place that you need to go. To run your.
Organization. But also to share information with other organizations that are responding to some of the disasters. Think about the power of being able to get everybody onto the same platform share the same information in real time. And then. Pass information back and forth based on what you can or cannot accomplish.
Right It’s pretty powerful concept. You know people talk about that around the fringes but nobody until now is really. Built the hub. For that type of information. And…pub safe is a hub of information.
We are interested in doing integrations with others and moving information around based on user privacy. settings which is always the. No more consideration. But you know outside of that, People that want to participate in the public benefit aspects. I’m sharing information up.
is where it’s at So let’s talk about pricing. And I had mentioned that. Other companies, typically they charge the organization or they charge the government or they charge the corporation.
you know a large sum of money. If you look at. A platform like this just use we’ll use the general general term for CRM whether it be dynamics or Salesforce or anybody else. yeah, it could be anywhere from 30 to. $85 a month per user.
And at that price point the organization has to come up with the money. No. Yes in CRM is just one information. Aspect right. There are lots of others in running a.
An NGO in search and rescue operations that come into play So that’s just one cost And then if you have a mobile app that might be a second cost. And. You know if you have a tracking app that might be a third Boston. So you’ve got all these different costs that build up over time. And we looked at that and said, you know we know because.
Of working with NGOs. Being a nonprofit at one at one time. We have got to provide a model that makes sense for NGOs to get excited and get on board. So we’ve flipped this whole thing around and…
what we have done. And I’ll show you this. And matter of fact if you go to our website to go to join…
And you go down to organizations you can see here. We outlined the process and we outlined the prices right here on our website…
one of the things to understand is that. We bill…
Everybody after a 90 day free trial to start with first of all, you. So you can get involved and it’s not gonna cost you anything And it’s the beginning of hurricane season So you can make it through most of hurricane season. And simply use the pumps a platform for free. Right. at the end of that 90 day period we’re going to.
Charge you in the first year. $199…
It’s 90. for an application fee. Which is where we go And we actually research you online make sure that you meet the criteria. Of of an organization that we want participating in the pub safe platform. So if you stand up a an NGO today and you try to apply tomorrow it’s not going to happen to me.
You know we want more experience in that. Ultimately the users that are part of an organization it’s their responsibility to vet those people. To make sure that they’re certified and everybody’s going to have different standards So we don’t get into betting users Right. That’s up to the organizations. But, 1 99 the first year we are waiving half of that for the.
2023. So it’s only $99 in 2023. And then each year after that we charged $99. To the organization That’s it. So you might have an organization.
It could be a government entity. Hey $99 and get the functionality. Provided to the government. that I will show you here, which is also listed on our website If you go here and you go down to at versions. we list out all the functionality by adversion.
That is available.
you know based on the subscription model. our lowest subscription model is free We want every citizen to have access to. You know pub safe to be able to see and share information to provide real-time crowdsourced information to you know NGOs. governments, corporations and everybody that has an interest in responding and. And providing rescue and relief to people and animals that are suffering.
We want them to be able to get this information So we believe every, every citizen out there has the potential to contribute to them for information. Do a disaster. That information then becomes available in real time through the web portal. So, organizations that want to access that web portal have to pay this $99 after the 90 day free trial. Which is nothing right.
secondly, what we have done is we said on a per user basis we’re not going to charge the organization for the users. We’re going to utilize the Android and iOS. Purchasing model. Which if you don’t know we lose a good percentage to.
The app stores for, you know, keeping that service. We could run this through the pub safe. Website and, you know, Ask people to put a credit card in there and charge that way. But it’s inconvenient. And honestly the stores handled taxes and international.
Monetary adjustments on behalf of us. And it makes that process easier. And they handle some privacy things that may be. more restrictive in different different parts of the world. So.
You know there’s some value in that but we do lose a large percentage of everything that we collect. And then we obviously have taxes that we have to pay. So, you know…
At the end of that whole that process there’s not a lot of money left over to pay for the development the hosting. You know personnel and things of that nature but it’s our contribution to the effort to bring relief to. You know people that are suffering. And it is also our goal. To make pub safe the global…single platform that people go to for citizens’ safety and relief efforts.
Right. If we can get everybody on the same page it’s super powerful. So we have this free version. Which, let me go there. And show you now so you can see the different versions…
We have free. And then we have base in bases 99 cents. A year that’s it Right. So some some minor upgrades a little bit more flexibility. but 99 cents a year right?
and then we go to plus which is a dollar 99 and then we switch over to monthly subscriptions…
One of the things about monthly subscriptions through the app stores is you don’t have to pay annually for that subscription So instead of paying roughly $24 a year, you could pay $99 a month for during hurricane season And then. Basically deactivated at the end of hurricane season and not pay anything. if you want to interact with the web portal, I E you want to be able to dispatch and communicate and, upload information you know like volunteer hour information things like that. Then you have to go to the pro level right This is kind of the minimum. To start to interact with the pro level.
And then we have government which is a little bit more expensive because we offer some. Pretty robust capabilities. That. you know on the messaging and alerting side where we enable the government to actually. Communicate.
Via messaging from the web portal. Out to any of our up-sale members. directly and we don’t charge them. There’s no additional charge for that. Right.
And so in instead of coming in and saying Hey we’re going to charge the government. A half million dollars for a messaging capability. We don’t want that We don’t want budget to be an obstacle. So we said, We’ll allow the government to do this messaging service from our platform straight to the mobile app. Yeah.
there’s no additional charge for that. You know…
It’s restricted to certain areas right Obviously we don’t want Tampa. Messaging people at Jacksonville, you know things of that nature So there are some restrictions of that nature. and there will be some restrictions on how frequently you can do it things of that…kind but in general it’s free. To the government to message citizens. you know to help save lives coordinate.
No evacuations and things like that. So that’s usually powerful And huge a huge huge huge cost saver especially if you’re in an area with no budget If you’re in a. We’ll see you in rural Mississippi. And your county doesn’t have a budget for a platform. You could go in.
in. You know you today you could go in and you could say, I’m going to get a single user. And that user is going to be on the pro version of the app. So I’m going to pay my $99 for a portal access. I’m going to have one user at $5 a month.
That is going to be the administrator of that portal. And then I’m going to go out and I’m going to tell my city. In my area Hey go get the free version of the pub safe mobile app because when something happens we’re going to message you to the mobile app. And then so then we do all the notifications and things like that through the phones. That alerts the people to potential like Hey you’ve got a tornado That’s coming to you in the next, you know five minutes you need to take cover immediately.
And you could message the people just in the front of the…
You know the storm cloud. Right. You probably have seen or if you haven’t, you can go here and look at the web gallery on the resources. And you’ll see that we have…good screenshots in here, but you see, like we do weather radar. And you can look at actually predictive, weather radar.
So you could go in here and just message a couple of these folks These people can be on the free version of the pub safe app. The more users that are on the pub safe app whether they be free or a slight upgrade or whatever, obviously the better the response the more information. More accurate the information. And that real-time information is going to help decision makers. make better choices as to where to allocate resources.
So. you know again a government agency could have a. $99. community messaging platform. To their citizens.
You could do the same thing with the church You know if you have a large church in area and you want to set up a church organization, you can do that and you can message those. Those users for free. Now, if you want to interact like I said with…
the web portal like you want to go back and forth and communicate and things like that. Then you need to understand that you got to go to pro. But again we’re not charging you 4 99 times 12. You know the app stores are going to bill you 4 99 a month And then when you don’t use the platform, I E. You know you leave the organization or you’re going on sabbatical or whatever, and you can suspend that service through the app stores.
And you’re not paying it right. So you’re paying for the months that you use. and you start to get in here and you start to look at and look at all the things that we have to offer You know, assistance requests. sit reps, being able to do a my status update you know Hey. Instead of everybody trying to run out and do a wellness check all the time, you can just go straight into the app and say Hey I’m fine but I’m going to the shelter And I’m leaving here at three o’clock.
You don’t hear from me. You know check with the shelter Cause that’s where I’m headed. Right You can do location updates and location updates.
no you can’t do location for free. But everybody else can do location updates and location updates could be like you’ve got a food truck That’s going to be out in front of the home Depot. Right And you’re going to be there for four hours selling barbecue. After a disaster. Or you could be alone and you know that you’ve got a shipment of generators coming in and those generators are going to be there Thursday at three o’clock.
So people that need generators. No when to get there Right. And then once the generators are sold out you’d come back with an update and say Hey. You know we’re sold out. Our next ship and apply woods coming Friday at…4:00 AM.
And it will be open at 6:00 AM You don’t come by and get your slides. So lots of good information through locations. You can do. Search party joins…and joining a search party is like an impromptu group of people that would be out there. And you know they they paid two bucks to join the search party Everybody can spring for two bucks to find a missing child.
But again they can go in they can shut it off.
but this is a there’s a really special function that. We created. nobody’s doing it where you can join hundreds of people through a search party within a few minutes. standing in the parking lot of a. You know a big lots or something like that.
And all of those people now become temporarily associated with the organization. You can start looking at them online As people are doing a search. The other thing is responder status. So in pub safe you can. You can be a responder or a citizen.
we do start to weed people out just because we start charging them a monthly fee in order to be a responder. Right. This. was like a plus responder is not associated with an organization. A pro responder is associated with an organization.
So that’s kind of a differentiator. Then we get into. damage assessments volunteer hour tracking. Et cetera et cetera. Another key differentiator in the pricing As you look at teams.
Right And we’ve got teams down here So how many teams. Can you join? Great or joined well, Nothing for the free version. If you pay the 99 cents a year Yeah You can create two teams.
plus users five. And, it goes way up when we start to get into pro Right? So this is…
It’s actually should be downloaded so you can create five teams but those teams could have up to 30,000 members And why did we do that? That’s a number that nobody even thinks about trying to. To put together. Because we want people to be able to create impromptu teams for large disaster response. When you have utility companies.
and. search and rescue teams and government agencies and NGOs and corporations all coming together. To respond. We can provide a unified platform That’s gonna allow everybody to start to share information through this team configuration. So very powerful capabilities there.
That we need to make sure that people understand what you’re getting for the price Right. inside of the mobile app there is a also a listing of the app versions and some of the basic features that you can get. When you open up the mobile app if you go to the top left-hand corner we call it the. Called the amp. Alright, admin menu the hamburger menu.
And you go down to where it says app upgrade current version pro. You can click on that and you’ll see a short list of…
the different apps and how you can do your upgrade. To get to different levels. Right…
by the way, even though we don’t have enterprise listed on the website, You’re a corporation and you want to track your people that are moving around the world. You can do mobile app tracking as opposed to. The GPS vehicle tracking or something of that nature. You know people that are traveling around the world off don’t take their vehicles with them So having an app where you can go onto a online web portal and you can see where all of your members are. globally and whether or not anybody has a distress call or, you know it was posting information.
It becomes very important to be able to see in monitor equal. When I think of organizations like UNICEF RO health organization. big corporations like that the red cross agencies like that that are doing great work all over the world…
It would be great for them to be able to log into a central portal. From there. Central monitoring station and be able to pull up a map. Zoom into Africa zoom into Ukraine. And then to south America.
And see the different teams that are in those areas. And if somebody gets in trouble, You’re going to get notification provided They’ve got solar service in that area. but it’s you. It’s a way to stay on top of what’s going on in all these different areas. And be able to communicate because again, from the web portal you can chat one-to-one with the mobile app anywhere in the world Or you can actually go on the map and draw a polygon and then message multiple people I E team.
you know someplace and it might be three people or it might be 300 people. And there we’ll all get a message through the web portal. We actually at this point still go in and. Draw a polygon around all users globally. And we send all users.
Lovely. A message just to test the communications see if things are moving at proper speeds and things of that nature So. You know there is an opportunity for. Corporations to use the public platform as well. So,
not to. This has been a longer video than I would like it So what’s. Break it off here. And just say, you know if you’re interested in the pub safe platform as an organization, Get ahold of us. We’re being completely transparent with, you know what it’s going to cost and how the pricing is done.
reach out to us We’ll be glad to do a web demo for you. and then put you on the 90 day free trial So the only thing you’re going to pay for a 90 day free trial is the $5 a month because you have to have the pro version the mobile app. So, you know give it a test run See See if you like it and if you like it, You know ask your volunteers to get on it because the volunteers are the ones that are really funding the you know the access the development. you know the capabilities and the features that your organization is going to benefit from. You know we we all know when we volunteer for things we’re spending our own money.
This is just five bucks a month.
it’s it’s. Really. almost too low for everything that we do but we want to be part of the solution and we want to encourage everybody to centralize. Onto the pub safe platform. So we can really take the next leap forward as an industry to centrally.
manage view and access real-time crowdsourced information. Thank you And we look forward to talking to you soon. Thanks