Crisis Map

Crisis Map

What is a Crisis Map? A crisis map is the real-time collection and display of crisis or disaster data which enables faster and better decision making. A crisis map, or disaster map, is a key component to the governments response to a disaster but it is also critical...
Using the PubSafe App

Using the PubSafe App

Using the PubSafe App The PubSafe app is the most robust platform of its kind in the world. It has features others do not, and it includes common features from other platforms. PubSafe can seem complicated because it is so robust but it really boils down to a few key...
Situation Reports

Situation Reports

Situation Reports (SitRep) SitRep, short for ‘situation reports’, is a military term to describe information being reported to higher command so decisions can be made in support of the mission. Situation reports are not a request for help in the civilian...